Is Vision Loss From Cataracts Permanent?

woman sitting with ocean and sunset in background

Cataracts are a very common eye condition. Almost half of all adults will develop at least one cataract by the time they reach age 75.

Cataracts can impair your vision, and if untreated, can cause blindness.

Keep reading to see if vision loss from cataracts is permanent.

Vision Loss From Cataracts Is Different

Vision loss from glaucoma or macular degeneration is permanent. Once it’s gone it’s gone. 

But, blindness from cataracts can be completely reversed. By having your cataracts removed during cataract surgery you can regain clear vision.

Still, it’s better to identify cataracts before this point. Wouldn’t you rather treat them before they take away your vision completely?

Cataract Basics

Cataracts most often form as a side effect of aging. It is unclear why they form but they’re often the result of aging, eye trauma, diabetes, or corticosteroid use.

Tobacco use, excessive alcohol consumption, and UV damage can also increase your risk for cataracts. But these factors are not the direct cause.

No matter the cause, cataracts develop due to the lens becoming cloudy. Cells in the lens become less transparent over time, making it hard to see through the lens.

This process usually happens very slowly over many years. It makes it harder and harder to see over time. 

You can think of it as trying to look through a foggy window. The foggier the window gets, the harder it is to see.

This fogginess is due to proteins in your lens breaking down and clumping together. When you have cataract surgery, you’ll be able to regain your clear vision. 

Visual Problems

Cataracts lead to many symptoms, including:

  • Blurry vision
  • Trouble seeing in low light
  • Light sensitivity
  • Intense glare and halos
  • Difficulty seeing contrast

When your cataracts become advanced enough, you can start losing your vision. This doesn’t mean you won’t be able to see anything at all. 

But it can get bad enough that you can’t see anything besides the basic outlines of objects, even if you’re wearing glasses. But the blindness that you experience with cataracts isn’t permanent if you have cataract surgery.


Cataract surgery is the only treatment for cataracts. It’s a very low-risk, outpatient procedure. In fact, it’s the most common medical procedure in the country.

During cataract surgery, the surgeon replaces the foggy lens with an artificial lens. These artificial lenses are called intraocular lenses, or IOLs. 

IOLs allow you to see as well as your natural lens, and depending on what kind of IOL you get, you could end up with the best vision of your life.

It’s best to have your cataracts diagnosed early so your eye doctor can track them. Having regular eye exams once you turn 40 is a good way to do this.

If you have cataracts, your eye doctor will likely recommend cataract surgery once you can no longer live your life and complete everyday tasks. You may not need to have cataract surgery right away.

But it’s easier to have them treated before you lose the majority of your vision. Having cataract surgery before severe vision loss will allow you to comfortably live your life. 

Are you concerned about vision loss due to cataracts? Schedule a cataract screening at Berg Feinfield Vision Correction in Beverly Hills, CA today!

If you’re tired of cataracts, why not have cataract surgery before you can’t see?