
Is It Possible for Cataracts to Recur?

Have you had your cataracts removed and are experiencing recurrent vision problems? Cataract surgery is a standard and effective treatment for restoring vision affected by cataracts, completely reversing common symptoms like cloudy or blurry vision, difficulty seeing in low light, and seeing halos and glare around bright lights. Keep reading to find out if it’s… Read More

How Long is the LASIK Surgery Recovery Time?

Like any other surgery, LASIK requires some recovery time. Fortunately, most LASIK patients experience relatively quick and easy recovery times, with few, if any, side effects! Recovery after LASIK surgery varies from person to person. Keep reading to learn what you can typically expect for a recovery time from LASIK! The First Few Hours After… Read More

Is Dry Eye an Autoimmune Condition?

If your eyes constantly feel dry or if they often burn, itch, or feel like they have sand in them, you might have dry eye. While this eye condition is extremely common, its symptoms might lead you to believe it could be caused by an underlying autoimmune condition. It may make you feel better to… Read More

Does Glaucoma Have Symptoms or Warning Signs?

Glaucoma is a serious eye condition that can lead to permanent vision loss if left untreated. Often referred to as the “silent thief of sight,” glaucoma can develop without noticeable symptoms, making it difficult for you to know if you have the condition until significant damage has already occurred.  This is why understanding the nature… Read More

Is it Normal to Have Double Vision After Cataract Surgery?

  Cataract surgery is a standard procedure that helps improve vision for millions of people each year. While most patients experience significant improvement in their vision after the procedure, some may encounter temporary side effects, such as double vision. Double vision can be alarming, especially if you’ve never experienced it before. However, it’s important to… Read More